Happy 15th Birthday to Where Books Meet Boats

2024 marks several personal life landmarks. In addition to a “zero” birthday, I’m celebrating the 30th anniversary of starting my life with Paul—and 20 years since I sailed in the Olympics!

This month is also the 15th anniversary of my blog, so even though I agree with Mark Schaefer that nobody cares, I took a stroll back through the archives to highlight some of my favorite posts. Cue the wayback machine to…


The second edition of Oliver’s Surprise comes out, leading to The Best Question a Fourth Grader Ever Asked Me.


Cape Cod Surprise comes off the ways, and I write my 101st blog post.


The first time I try to answer: Where do I get my ideas?

mental melting pot of novel ideas


I publish a novel it took 18 years to finish. And compare story writing to parenting, only one of which I know anything about.


A “real” job proves a major distraction to both novels and blogs, but it gives me a larger platform—and a wider perspective


We lose three people I still think about almost every day: Robert O. Bigelow, Hugh Elliot, and Bob “Buddha” Billingham. I muse on High Summer, and a book discussion reveals where fiction meets fact.


The year I win my first 2 writing awards for Olympic Broach and Simple Boating, manage to Kill the Blog, and return to self-employment. I also fantasize about Just Writing, and re-commit to a blog every single Thursday.

sunset boats and bare feet


I start working on the story that didn’t go away, take my first writing research trip, and realize I Speak Sailing


The Safety at Sea manual teaches the value of a deadline, my first Sailing World byline in a decade, and your first tour of Cooperation Island.

Ed and Carol in Snipe 1994. Photo: Onne van der Wal


The year I become a World Champion and sign with a literary agent! (after hiring a developmental editor)

winning women's worlds 2018


A publishing contract for Ferry to Cooperation Island, my first Seahorse Profile, and 10 years of blogging


Ferry to Cooperation Island has a barefoot book launch.


Sportsmanship and heroes, the importance of thanking your teammate (again) , and gifts from FERRY. Plus a strange island feels familiar, and we say goodbye to my illustrator-sister-in-law.


My first non-fiction book, 100 Years of Gold Stars, crosses the finish line.


I reveal a new non-fiction project and lose my voice—just when I needed it most. We also lose my Mom, though I still hear her voice in my head.

reaching heavy air Snipe NAs Norfolk VA

Thank you

When I started blogging in 2009, social media was brand new. Ebooks were going to replace print. And freelancers were just starting to gain traction as friendly rather than feral. Blogs have been through several evolutions since then, but your continued interest in my weekly musings have encouraged me to keep at it—and both my writing and my distinctive voice have improved as a result. So thanks to all of you, especially those who’ve been subscribers for all 15 years!


is almost half over, and I’ve already had a few zero-worthy celebrations. Looking ahead, there will be plenty of book and sailing news. Do you know someone who’d enjoy my weekly musings? Please encourage them to subscribe, because I still feel like I’m just getting started in this quest to link books with boats. 

8 Replies to “Happy 15th Birthday to Where Books Meet Boats”

  1. Happy anniversary, Carol. I read your blog most every week…it’s a “To Do” item. I’m more an acquaintance than a personal friend, but I’ll always appreciate your kind favor one Christmas in Jamestown, regarding your books. Hope you’ll keep writing both blog ‘n books….and speaking of which, might you have even a vague timeline for the next “Cooperation” volume?

    1. Larry,
      I really appreciate your reading and comments, thank you! I am going to keep writing, both blog ‘n books… but I’ve learned not to make promises about the next novel as it’s very much a moving target at the moment. All I can say is I will keep you posted right here. 🙂


  2. Happy Anniversaries! Your 15 year blog with all of its branches, shows beautiful growth and an ever expanding horizon.

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