Big Reasons I Keep Blogging

Where Books Meet Boats will celebrate 15 years in June, and I’ve been working on a highlight post. But today I want to pass along someone else’s thoughts on why we keep blogging; tips from marketing guru Mark Schaefer, who is also celebrating 15 years as a weekly blogger (albeit with a much larger audience). 

After pointing out that nobody, even him, really cares about such an anniversary, Mark uses the milestone to share “5 Ways Blogging Changed My Life Forever.”* Though I’ve never needed to lower my blood pressure, his other points all struck a chord—and then served as an inspirational springboard to write my own five.

1. The positives of pondering

Mark says, “Blogging forces me to clarify my ideas… The seeds of my legacy are planted here.” Not everything I blog about makes its way directly into books and articles, but this weekly writing is a sandbox where I can test out what I really think. What I wrote five years ago is still true: “Over the past decade, I’ve learned a lot about both writing and sailing just by sharing my thoughts with you.” (Read Happy 10th Anniversary, Blog

2. Introvert Revenge

I hadn’t even considered this, but I completely agree with Mark that “shaking hands all night at a cocktail reception is my idea of torture. I am a mingler misfit… through a blog, I can build… friendships with people every day without actually meeting them!”

3. Happiness is being heard

When I’m really doubting myself, I wonder if the sign above my desk is really true: that What you Write Might Change the World. And then I share a personal victory (or failing), and I hear from readers saying they understand. I’ve been heard! 

4. “Consistency is more important than genius.” 

When I sit down to write a blog post, I’m usually fired up by a fresh thought I want to pursue about books or boats or (best of all) both. Sometimes, though, I admit… I have to dig a little. But you all have invited me into your inboxes every Thursday morning, an honor I don’t take lightly—so I make sure to consistently publish every single week.

5. A little engagement goes a VERY long way

Mark might have a (much) larger platform than I do, but we both appreciate our readers. So please continue to add comments or send emails when you’re particularly inspired; we never know where such casual interactions might lead.

I used to think that blogging was just filler: a way to procrastinate from the “real” work of finishing a novel. What I’ve since realized is that these weekly posts strengthen and enrich my bigger projects, while providing a chance to engage with others. All without leaving my desk—isn’t it incredible? Thank you!

*For more inspiration (and excellent marketing tips), read Mark’s post: 5 Ways Blogging Changed My Life Forever

8 Replies to “Big Reasons I Keep Blogging”

  1. Thank you, Carol – it resonates with me, too! and I don’t write enough; I hope to pick up the pace once school is over! Introvert revenge! love this, xo

  2. It amazes me that you have a post every week, knowing how much other work, and fun you are fitting it. Inspires the guy in the outside building working on keeping the old man out.

  3. Thanks Alice. Hard some weeks (just like all writing), but very satisfying.

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