No matter where you are in the world, 2021 was a challenging year. As I look back on the past twelve months, though, I’m struck by how much I’ve grown as both a writer and a sailor—despite that sailing-free winter. So as an antidote to all the ongoing uncertainties as we ring in 2022, I thought it would be fun to note my top three milestones before the sun rises on a brand new year.

1. Best international coed Snipe finish
Kim and I finished fourth at the Snipe North Americans and ninth at the Western Hemisphere & Orient Championship, our best finishes ever at an international level. This was our eleventh season sailing Snipes together, and I continue to be amazed by what fun it is to spend time with such a strong teammate—both on and off the water. Read more: 4 Tips for a Terrific Team
2. Best writing compliment ever
Profiles for Seahorse Magazine gave me the excuse to chat with four iconic leaders in sailing. It was enormous fun to interview Stan and Sally Honey, and months later I’m still riding high from an offhand remark Stan made: “I always read your columns first. Along with Rod [Davis] and Paul [Cayard].”
I also interviewed Onne van der Wal and Dawn Riley, who each shared some great stories—and brought my grand total to nine Seahorse profiles. Look for two more early in 2022.
3. Biggest client base
Several of you reached out this year asking for my help, and mostly I’ve been able to say yes. It’s a fantastic challenge to juggle so many different priorities and meet so many deadlines; I’ll be writing more in 2022 about what works (and what doesn’t) for this one-woman writing operation.
There were losses, too
2021 wasn’t all sunshine and victory laps, of course. We said goodbye to my sister-in-law, Laurie Ann Cronin, at the end of October. Several other acquaintances will never cross another starting line or read another book, and two close friends are staring down a health-challenged 2022. I’m trying to honor each of these as an inspiration for something I can control: Find My Joy in Every Single Day.
Full Sail Ahead
I’m sure 2022 will have its challenges, but in keeping with the glass-half-full approach I’ll close with two very exciting plans. 1. I’ve scheduled both racing and wingfoiling adventures this winter. 2. I’m working with the Star Class on a book that will be published next summer. Stay tuned (or Subscribe) for future updates.
I am blaming that incredibly fun Star project for slowing down work on the promised sequel to Ferry to Cooperation Island… but I hope/plan to have more news on that in 2022 as well.
Thank you
I’m so grateful to take for granted a supportive life partner, a warm house, my full belly, friends and laughter, and of course getting out on the water year round. I’m also grateful to all of you for making time for my musings each week; this concludes my seventh year of posting every Thursday. Another milestone!
Please join me in raising a glass to a clear and bright 2022, and let me know in the comments or by email what milestones you’re celebrating from 2021. Cheers!
May you never run out of ink,paper and sails😂❤️
Thanks Kim, great list!
I am so thankful and lucky to share our lives together.
Me too!
We love reading your musings every week and look forward to sharing more joyful times in 2022 (and beyond).
Thanks Liz, right back atcha!
Fun to be involved in lots of these milestones with you!
Yes agreed, so much fun to be working together again!
Excellent list, keep it up!
Thanks JJ. Happy New Year to the Halls and hope to see you in 2022.