April 3, 2025: Join me and other sailing history buffs for a talk at the Cape Cod Maritime Museum. I’ll be showing off the photos that inspired Cape Cod Surprise, and also talking about growing up sailing at the Woods Hole Yacht Club. Part of the museum’s History on Tap series, which is sponsored by Cape Cod Beer. Tickets and more information

Book clubs, yacht clubs, libraries, and fellow #coastalfiction readers: I’d love to join you for a chat (either virtual or in-person) about books and/or boats. Just send me an email.
Previous Book Events
January 2023: Star sailors gathered at Annapolis Yacht Club for my best public speaking event ever: a peek behind the scenes of 100 Years of Gold Stars.
October 2022: I joined sailors, wine lovers, and nautical history buffs at Jamestown’s own Curiosity&Co for a discussion, toast, and signing of my first non-fiction book—and there was a surprise.
April 2022: I was part of a sold-out local authors’ night at Curiosity&Co, Jamestown’s local independent bookstore.
April 2021: I joined the Literary Lasses for a foggy but wonderful evening, only a few miles away from Cooperation Island! Read more
Thursday, January 7, 2021, 730pm: I joined two other authors for a night of “Making Waves” with the Arlington Authors’ Salon.
Wednesday, July 8, 7pm: A fun hour in conversation with Alice C. Early, hosted by Savoy Bookstore (Westerly, RI). Watch the recording

In the News
Wendy Mitman Clarke wrote a review for Good Old Boat Magazine: “Ferry to Cooperation Island takes readers to a fictional setting in Rhode Island Sound between the real Block Island and Newport, where the salt air and small-town island life is as palpable as the granite and sand underfoot.” Read the review
Tim Riel, editor at the Jamestown Press, says Ferry to Cooperation Island has “an intimate feel for the ocean that only a distinguished seafarer could capture.” Read the article
US Harbors included me in their video series, Women on the Water. Learn what writing books and competitive sailing have in common, and what I’m most proud of. Watch now
KONE-FM, Lubbock, TX – Sports show – Fun radio interview about books and boats, with a surprise disclosure!

SpinSheet – Q&A about writing and sailing
3/3ABC 6 – Providence, RI – Interview on local TV station about Olympic postponement
The Journal Gazette – Interview about Olympic postponement
Connect Sports — Article about Olympic postponement
Launch Party: Click on the Photo to Watch

Take a virtual ferry ride for the June 2020 launch of Ferry to Cooperation Island! We recorded the one hour Zoom meeting, so tune in to hear the three inspirations for the book while enjoying some beautiful visuals of Narragansett Bay. Thanks to my teammates and everyone who joined the fun.