There is nothing, absolutely nothing, half so inspiring as receiving a delivery of my own books. The joy of seeing cover and interior designs packaged with story, at last, combines with the anticipation of finally sharing this beauty with an audience bigger than beta readers. Though I’ve been receiving boxes like this since 2008 when Oliver’s Surprise first appeared in the world, the most recent delivery of Ferry to Cooperation Island ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) was even more thrilling. I’m guessing it’s like bringing a fourth child home from the hospital; finally, there’s a unique and fully-formed creation to show off, after so many months (years) of personal, internal dreaming about it.

Why ARCs?
21st century ARCs could easily be mistaken for the actual book; the only difference is that round label on the front cover and “not for sale” text on the back. Thanks to print-on-demand publishing, it’s now more cost-effective for publishers to produce almost-books than what used to be called galleys. I remember my grandmother proofing her books by flipping through oversized, loose pages—though hopefully the copies mailed out for review were bound together, somehow.
I never received ARCs for the previous books, because they each went straight from digital proof to print. So when this box first arrived, I have to admit I wasn’t completely sure what to do with them. Fortunately, my publicist already had a distribution plan designed to maximize pre-publishing buzz and interest. (It includes a small number of private readers, so if you’re interested in reviewing the book, please send me an email ASAP.)

Advance Readers Copies are a visible next step on Ferry’s progress out of the author’s nest and into the world. Though it seemed like forever to wait sixteen months when the publishing date was first announced, June 2020 is suddenly right around the corner.
Meanwhile, you can pre-order the book through Bookshop (which will benefit your local independent bookstore) or on Amazon, and it will be delivered in whatever form you prefer on June 16, 2020. I’m currently scheduling book signings, so I’ll keep you posted on that schedule as it firms up—and maybe we can meet in person, thanks to this fourth novel. I can’t wait to hear what you all think about this latest story!
PS: Attention (Snipe) sailors!
Ferry’s pub date is obviously a red letter day on my 2020 calendar, but I also have several important regattas scheduled for this year and I’ll continue to blog about one-design racing as well. (Stay tuned next week for a discussion about how racing sailboats compares to cooking… )
And if you have a question about the publishing or writing process, add it to the comments below, or send me an email. Thanks for reading… and, SQUEE!
Yeeha, all the years of hard work show up in a box of joy. So Proud
Thanks Paul, you were there through all the highs and lows!
Looking forward to reading it
David Beretta
Thanks David!