Sailing fans, you can keep reading. Paul and I are selling the powerboat named Pierre.
In May 2022, I informed you all (with just a touch of embarrassment) that we had added a Nauset 27 to the family, a Down East style boat powered only by fossil fuel. Now, after two summers, we are actively looking for Pierre’s next home.
And it’s not him; it’s us.

Why would two sailors buy a powerboat in the first place? The two primary goals were overnight cruises with a lower time commitment, and access to wingfoiling spots. I could also justify it as research, since the sequel to Ferry to Cooperation Island continues to revolve around a motorboat.
After two seasons, we can check all of those boxes. We had several fun adventures, including a weekend in Great Salt Pond (and we always slept great, thanks to a huge V-berth). We enjoyed a few quiet harbors we never would’ve bothered to explore on a sailboat. We did some great wingfoiling; I even used the versatile Pierre as a yoga platform. Last but not least… I now know exactly what it feels like to stand at a wheel for forty minutes in open water.
But each new location was bracketed by what basically felt like a delivery; pushing the throttle forward when we wanted to get there a bit faster, rather than setting more sail or trimming/steering more intently. We want to go back to enjoying the journey as much as the destination, and for us that means traveling by sailboat.
Pierre is a great boat and brought us many happy memories, but powerboaters we ain’t. We’re looking for a buyer interested in a most handsome lad with many recent upgrades: new bottom job, steering, plumbing. Interested? Here’s the ad that includes lots of photos, a video walkthrough, and a long list of details.
For the rest of you; got a story about an enjoyable ride on a—gasp—powerboat? Share it in the comments below, or (if that’s too public) send me an email. I read every single one, with gratitude.